Wednesday 22 October 2014

ISCF Grenada celebrates World Student Day of Prayer

ISCF Grenada celebrated the World Student Day of Prayer for the entire week of October 13th – 18th 2014. On October 14th at Anglican High School, the students did a Bible study on prayer, examining what the Bible taught about prayer. 
Anglican High School students unite in prayer
At T.A. Marryshow Community College on October 16th, there was a teaching session on fasting: what is fasting, it’s purpose and benefits, and some practical tips. After the session, they committed to pray and fast next week Tuesday for one of their members who has a brain tumor and needs surgery.

TAMCC students taking in the session
 The ISCF meeting at the Grenada Boys’ Secondary School on October 17th was the second meeting for the term, and many of the students were new so they had questions about ISCF. The first part of the meeting was spent answering questions that the students had asked about ISCF – how it started, why it exists, where it operates etc. This provided a good foundation for the introduction to the IFES world student day of prayer, the day set aside to pray for students from countries all over the world. There were specific requests for each country where IFES has a movement, so the boys were put into three groups and assigned a country to pray for.

Praying in groups for Syria, Israel and Martinique
It was amusing to see them fighting over who would pray “I am a pastor, I will pray!” “I go to church every Sunday – I know how to pray”. Eventually they broke up the requests so they were each able to lift up the requests before God in prayer.

Pastor Jerron leading his group in prayer
The final activity was Link Up on October 18th – a student rally which involved students from schools throughout Grenada, even schools that have no ISCF group at present. Following a time of worship led by students from the community college, we had a moment of silent prayer to lift up the friends and family of Yana Terris, the staffworker from St. Lucia who died earlier this week. Later on in the day we took up an offering to help with her funeral expenses.

Students leading in prayer
We then broke up into groups to pray for the needs of students from 15 countries with IFES movements.

Praying for countries from each region where IFES exists
We were grateful for the opportunity to show the Grenadian students that they are a part of an international fellowship. 

1 Corinthians 12: 12 - 14
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.

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