Thursday 8 October 2015

A September to remember

I must say that during my last two weeks in Grenada, I was totally BLOWN AWAY by the expressions of love and appreciation that I received from those who have become my Grenadian family! I can't remember any other time in my life when I was showered with so many gifts, and had so many people crying over me... it was like a combination of a wedding and a funeral LOL

It first started with a farewell organised just for the ISCF students. The Board knew that I may not be able to visit all the schools "one last time" before I left, so they organised an event to bring together the students from all the different schools, so the students could have an opportunity to share their tributes.

It was a lovely event, with 27 students from 5 schools coming out to share words of appreciation for my contributions to restarting the work of ISCF Grenada. They spoke about how I believed in their worth, even when they doubted themselves, always encouraging them. Some of the sponsors and volunteers also spoke of how they appreciated my faithfulness in serving the movement, and motivating the students and living a consistent lifestyle.

What was most touching were the gifts given by the students. They gave what they had, and I know it was from their heart. Those who had the means bought beautiful gifts; those who didn’t gave generously of what they had – their talents (dancing) and abilities (writing and painting) and whatever tokens they could find to express their gratitude. I really felt the love!

In planning my official farewell ceremony from ISCF Grenada, the Board members deliberated for a while about the format it should take until one person who knows me well said, what about a beach lime? The idea was warmly embraced and as such, many of the supporters of ISCF Grenada joined together on Saturday 26th August for my official send off.

Many persons worked tirelessly to ensure that the event was a success. Calls were made to invite persons, food was lovingly prepared, a sound system with DJ was set up - they really made a commendable effort to facilitate a wonderful time of food, friends and fellowship.

After filling our bellies, it was time for the tributes. It was humbling to hear the tributes of the impact I had in Grenada after two years of service. Apart from my involvement in ISCF Grenada, some friends shared of how they were enriched by our friendship. I give God all the glory for the using me to bless so many lives, and I am grateful that I was able to hear these testimonials while I was still around to appreciate them!

I was overwhelmed with all the tokens that were given as expressions of thanks, not just during the event, but even afterwards: souvenirs from Grenada, store bought and hand made gifts - each one acting as a reminder of friendships formed. Thank God for my two Trini family members who had come up that weekend with just a carry on, and so were able to help me take all my gifts back home!

Apart from these big limes, there were a few friends who made a special effort to share one last (for now) meal or memory with me: a Sunday lunch, an evening dinner, an afternoon beach bath until sunset, and one final sleep over at my apartment. I appreciate all these expressions of love, and will miss you all very much.

During my last few days I was also able to visit some of the schools which I had been working with for the past two years. Many of the students asked if I really had to go. At one school, they held a special meeting in my honor, with songs and poems and tributes. At another school, I was presented with a lovely array of Grenadian souvenirs. I truly felt the love.
When I agreed to move to Grenada, I did not expect that I would fall in love with the people and the country as much as I did. It certainly has a very special place in my heart, and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to serve there, and for the beautiful people He brought into my life. Some of them made the early morning trek to the airport to bid me farewell (no tears this time though - it was too early in the morning for that :)

Will I miss Grenada? Of course I will! But that is not a good enough reason to stay. As I shared with someone who asked why I didn't stay, there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens... a time to weep and a time to laugh... a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing... a time to keep and a time to throw away.

I will always treasure my memories of the experiences over the past two years, and I must say a heartfelt THANK YOU to all who made this ministry possible, and who made my stay in Grenada such a wonderful experience.