Wednesday 29 April 2015

Meet the ISCF Grenada family

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its parts form one body, so it is with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12

Many people have commended me on the "great job you are doing with ISCF Grenada" but it would be remiss of me to take the credit for all that God has been doing through the ministry here. There is no way I could have accomplished what has been done on my own, so I would like to take the opportunity to recognise and show appreciation to the other parts of the body of ISCF Grenada:


At our first Annual General Meeting in October 2014, eleven persons made themselves available to serve as Directors and Board members for ISCF Grenada. Under the leadership of Brother Rodney Mc Intyre, the Board has been meeting monthly to provide direction to the ministry. We are in the process of developing a strategic plan for ISCF Grenada, to ensure that we are able to accomplish our mission and see our vision fulfilled. The Board has also appointed a sub-committee which has been working to raise funds to assist the Grenada delegation to World Assembly 2015. We thank God for these men and women who have volunteered of their time and expertise to provide good governance for ISCF Grenada.
Drafting a strategic plan for ISCF Grenada

Christian teachers who are willing to take up the additional responsibilities of investing in the lives of students through the ministry of ISCF are not easy to find. In the midst of their teaching duties and involvement in other extra-curricular activities, these faithful soldiers make time to meet with students to plan meetings, encourage students to attend meetings, and some even take up the challenge to share in meetings when the students are unable to do so. They can be assured that their labour in the Lord is not in vain.

Sponsors sharing in an evening of encouragement earlier this year

Once a month these faithful soldiers meet to give God thanks for His faithfulness and to petition His throne on behalf of the ministry of ISCF Grenada. There is great rejoicing when we see prayer answered, and much intercession when requests are presented. Prayer is the foundation on which this work is built, so we are trusting God to raise up even more prayer supporters who will commit to covering the ministry in prayer.

St. George's prayer cell celebrating the birthdays of two
of their faithful members
Two committed intercessors from St. Andrew's
meeting for prayer at Easter time

There are a few loyal supporters who have been unwavering in the financial support of the ministry. They give quietly and cheerfully, without expecting anything in return. We pray that they would receive good measure for all they have given, pressed down, shaken together and running over.


All the ISCF activities which happen outside of the regular school time would not be possible without our hard-working volunteers. They serve on committees to plan events, coming to meetings on evenings after work to ensure that all details are in place. They give up their Saturdays to work with the students, leading small group discussions, bible studies and praying for them. Without their enthusiasm and involvement, the work would surely not be able to go on.

Posing for a pic before Link Up
Judging the team presentations at Link Up
Meeting at 6:30am to put together breakfast boxes
for a camp fundraiser
All of the items for the breakfast were donated
by our dedicated volunteers
Our customers were impressed with the quality and
presentation and can't wait for the next breakfast sale!
At ISCF Grenada, we work hard, and play harder :) A social event was organised earlier this year to show appreciation to our dedicated volunteers. It started with a photoshoot at Quarantine Point, after which we enjoyed a stunning sunset. We ended the evening with a fun time of games with lots of laughter and pizza (one of which was an unexpected gift). God worked it out that we were able to enjoy this time of fellowship at the Radisson after being unable to find a table at the crowded Rick's Cafe. The blessings of the Lord!

Some of the crew
Magnificent display of God's handiwork
Pizza time!

They are at the heart of what we do. They are the ones who attend meetings every week and fellowship with others at national events. They are the ones who have present truths at meetings and ask questions about how to live godly lives. Without their involvement and participation, all our work would have no impact.
Students from seven different schools at a recent hike

Friday 24 April 2015

Small beginnings at St. Mark's Secondary

On my initial visits to schools in 2013 to meet with principals and share the vision of ISCF, the principal of St. Mark's Secondary was very supportive of the ministry, and recommended a Christian teacher whom we could work with to get the group started. Over the past year however, all attempts to get the group started were unsuccessful.
St. Mark's Secondary School, located in a parish
about 50 minutes away from St. George's
Fast forward to January 2015 where I was sharing with a sponsor from another school my desire to get a group started in St. Mark's Secondary, but the teacher who had originally been identified was now on study leave. The sponsor recommended that I speak to another Christian teacher, who started teaching there in September 2014. Not only was this teacher a past president of ISCF while she was studying at Anglican High School, but she was also involved in the CCCF group at TAMCC, and was thinking about starting an ISCF group at St. Mark's Secondary! We thank God for her willing spirit and her dedication in recruiting students to join the first ISCF group at St. Mark's Secondary.

Do you need to go to church in order to be saved?
Five students turned up for the first meeting where they were given an overview of the ministry, including pictures from our activities over the past year. At the next meeting, there were seven students present to discuss what was necessary for salvation according to the Bible. There was one student who was in the classroom at the beginning of the meeting, but he did not want to join even though his friends were encouraging him to. But when they started asking questions, he joined in, and has been attending meetings ever since.

Other topics which were dealt with include the changes which should be seen in the life of someone who has surrendered their life to Christ, how we know that God is real, overcoming obstacles in prayer and who is God. This past week, we had to use another classroom, and there were a couple new students who sat in the background and listened attentively to the discussions we were having.

Students engaged in an activity

We thank God for the seeds which are being planted at St. Mark's Secondary. Please pray for the continued growth of the group, that the questions of the students would be adequately addressed, that they would hunger for more of God, and that God would raise up from that group men and women of God who would boldly proclaim Christ and His Kingdom in their school.