Thursday 29 January 2015

Back on the scene for 2015!

Normally after taking a break, it takes a while before the momentum can start the ball rolling again. It was fitting that the first activity that resumed for the new school term was our monthly prayer meeting. Prayer is the engine that powers this ministry, as it acknowledges our total dependence on God. Without His help and enabling, the work of ISCF Grenada would not be effective. We are grateful to the faithful few who have committed to supporting the ministry in this way.

Hearts united in prayer
Nine students from three different schools attended the training and planning session for student leaders at the St. George’s Evangelical Bible Church on Saturday 10th January 2015. After a couple Getting to Know You and Team Building activities, we conducted a bible session on holy and righteous living. This session was very interactive and well received by the students, who asked questions about how to practically live the Word of God. Students then spent time praying for one another in the areas where they needed to be more committed to God.

Enjoying a team building activity
After lunch we examined how to present a Bible lesson using the Hook, Book, Look, Took method. Students were then put into groups and given topics which they had to present to the group using this teaching method. The students did a good job in the limited time they were given.

How to conduct an ISCF session
We then looked at the topics which were suggested for the next academic term, and discussed ideas which could be used in presenting each one. The final segment was prayer, with students praying for God to move in their ISCF groups this term, and also receiving prayer for areas in their lives where they were struggling.

Students praying for one another
The Board of ISCF Grenada resumed its monthly meetings. Time was spent in prayer, as well as discussing plans for the year, and how they would be executed.

Dedicated Board members
Finally, the sponsors got together for an evening of encouragement and fellowship. Challenges were shared and testimonies were given of God's faithfulness. We prayed for one another and I believe that all left encouraged to keeping fighting the good fight on behalf of the lives of our students.

Sponsors getting to know one another
Details of the resumption of the meetings in the schools will be given in a subsequent post. We give God thanks that the wheels have started back turning, and look forward to great things in store for ISCF Grenada in 2015.