Wednesday 26 November 2014

Let's talk about SEX

The Youth Executive at Calivigny Gospel Hall, one of our supporting churches, invited Brother Rodney Brown and his wife Lydia from Trinidad to be one of the ministers at their Youth Week 2014, along with Brother Edward Richardson from Bermuda. Both of these gifted servants of God have no qualms about talking about sex from the pulpit, so ISCF Grenada jumped at the opportunity to have these brothers share at our ISCF groups about Sexual Purity and Relationships.

Convincing Happy Hill Secondary students that being in a
relationship is a 'tie down ting'
Brother Rodney shared how teenagers' hormones cause them to change rapidly as they develop, causing their likes and dislikes to change as they mature. He discouraged them from committing themselves exclusively to any one relationship at this stage of their life, but to enjoy healthy relationships with all their peers. Some of these students were happy for the opportunity to learn more about sexual purity at a panel discussion hosted at Calivigny Gospel Hall later on in the week.

Beacon High School students react to the listing of
activities which are considered to be sexual impurity
At Beacon High School, Brother Rodney had the privilege of addressing the entire school population on the topic of sexual purity. After defining sexual purity and giving examples of sexual impurity, he examined the causes, consequences and the cure for sexual impurity. This session was extremely well received, and the students begged him to come back for a follow up session.

The truth about what boys want
The young ladies at Anglican High School were given an insight into how boys view relationships. They were enlightened to understand that what the girls may interpret as signs of love and willingness to commit were considered by the boys as "nothing personal".

The truth about love and sex
At Boca Secondary, Brother Edward had an opportunity to share with all the Form 4 students on commonly taught myths about love and sex. He countered each of these myths with truths from God's Word. The teachers who attended the session highly commended how the topic was handled, and the students were very engaged during the presentation, asking questions about situations they were currently facing.

ISCF meeting at Boca Secondary talking about relationships
At lunchtime, Brother Rodney shared with the students at ISCF about the purpose of relationships, and the value of waiting until they were ready for marriage before considering entering relationships.

Feature speaker at Boca Secondary School's 36th anniversary
The ministry at Boca Secondary continued the following day, where Brother Brown addressed the entire school population at their anniversary program. He shared on Philippians 3:13, encouraging them not to be satisfied with past accomplishments, but to press forward for greater and better things.

Sharing at Westerhall Secondary School on sexual purity
On the last day, Brother Brown shared at two schools - Westerhall Secondary and Grenada Boys Secondary on the topic of sexual purity. The students responded well to the presentations, and on the following week, we were able to engage them in a discussion based on what they had learnt, and also answering questions they had about sex and relationships.

Arlene sharing on why God encourages us to save sex for marriage
GBSS boys at follow up session talking about fidelity in relationships
We thank God for the opportunity to partner with these visiting ministers to address the very pertinent topics of relationships and sexual purity with so many of the youths of Grenada. We pray that the principles shared would remain in the hearts and minds of these students, and will have a positive effect on their behaviour.